Want to find more about crime in our neighborhood or our adjacent neighborhoods? Try Crime Mapping. You can create alerts so you’ll be emailed whenever crime happens in your area and you can check the site to find out what is happening in our city at large. |
City of Glendale Emergency Preparedness resources. Prepare yourself and your family for an emergency. |
Learn what to do in the case of a disaster. Understand the type of disasters and how to prepare for and respond to each type. |
CrimeReports is the nation's largest collection of law
enforcement agencies committed to transparency, public access, and citizen
engagement. |
Please consider completing a CITY OF GLENDALE Vacation Check Form if you plan on leaving town for an extended period of time. |
Smart Home devices designed to make homes smarter. In addition to the Nest Learning Thermostat, the company also produces a smart smoke detector (which is also a carbon monoxide detector) and a series of cameras for both indoors and outdoors.
Smart Home video doorbell connects to your home Wi-Fi network and sends real-time notifications to your smart phone or tablet when someone is at your door. |